
位於麥納瑪內、交通方便,艾斯拜塔洛瑪格舒適住宿已成為當地旅遊的最佳落腳點。 在這裡,旅客可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 住宿位置優越讓旅客前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。 在這家舒適的麥納瑪住宿中享受尊貴的服務與設施。 住宿安排了所有房型皆附免費WiFi, 24小時送餐服務, 24小時保全, 便利商店, 每日客房清潔服務,旨在為客人提供最舒適的體驗。 共有72間溫馨舒適的客房,每間客房都配有完整的設施,能讓您馬上放下一天的疲憊獲得充分休息,部分客房另配有平面電視, 另有浴室, 另有廁所, 空氣清淨機, 浴室話機。 住宿配備了健身房, 桑拿三溫暖, 蒸氣室等娛樂設施,必定能讓您流連忘返。 艾斯拜塔洛瑪格舒適住宿地理位置優越,設施先進,是最熱門的飯店之一。艾斯拜塔洛瑪格舒適住宿艾斯拜塔洛瑪格舒適住宿評價<\b>

2019-12-11Clean and cozy furnished flats[8.4]

This was one of the best places i\\\'ve ever stayed with my family in Bahrain.The room was very spacious, clean, and cozyThe property is in good location and you will have your parking space as the building is built with two parking storiesLast bu not least, the staff was friendly and helpful.Surely, i will consider this place in my next trip to Bahrain


2019-03-31The hotel was fully booked![2.0]

We had to look for another place for the night even though the rent amount was withdrawn from my credit card. We were told that the hotel was fully booked once we arrived!!


2019-01-08The service is very bad they have to change[8.0]

The hotel is fine but the service is poor

2019-12-08good place in general[8.0]


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