
當您來訪珊瑚海岸時,壁虎度假村所提供的優質服務與高品質住宿將帶給您賓至如歸的享受。 在這裡,旅客可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 住宿位於辛加東卡沙丘國家公園的不遠處,旅客在旅遊觀光時大可不必大費周章。 相信壁虎度假村的周到服務和一流設施會讓您此行終生難忘。 這間住宿提供多樣設施,再講究的客人也能在此得到滿意的服務。 在這裡,您能真切的感受最極致的舒適住宿體驗,部分客房提供禁菸房, 空調, 遮光窗簾, 付費WiFi, 電視,給住客更完整的服務。 在繁忙的一天過後,不妨到住宿的鄰近高爾夫球場(3公里內), 室外游泳池, 按摩服務, 花園, 娛樂室放鬆一下自己。 專業的服務與豐富的特色活動盡在壁虎度假村壁虎度假村壁虎度假村評價<\b>

2019-12-17Best resort we\\\'ve stayed at!!!![10.0]

Very friendly, great food, fabulous entertainment at night. Fire Dancers were the best we\\\'ve seen. The crooner, Thomas, made eating dinner an event. We have been to Fiji 15 times & our stay at Geckos is absolutely a highlight. Acommodation fairly basic but the beautiful people more than make up for it.


2019-11-21Staff are amazing[9.2]

We enjoyed our stay at Gecko’s. The staff were very friendly and looked after our needs. They knew us by name and went out of their way to make our stay fantastic. The fire show was amazing. Food was pretty good aswell. I would definitely go again. Well done

2020-01-10Very good[8.3]


Good for a one night stay to go on the ecotrax the net day.



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