
位於龜島內、交通方便,寶通灘度假村已成為當地旅遊的最佳落腳點。 在這裡,旅客可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 住宿位置優越讓旅客前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。 寶通灘度假村一直致力於為您提供最尊貴的服務與一流的設施,確保您下榻期間愉快、愜意。 住宿的主要設施有公共區域WiFi, 停車場, 送餐服務, 旅遊行程, 咖啡店。 這裡設有10間精美的客房,其中部分房型配有平面電視, WiFi, 免費WiFi, 禁菸房, 空調。 住宿配備了花園等娛樂設施,必定能讓您流連忘返。 寶通灘度假村是來龜島探索城市魅力,放鬆身心的理想住處。寶通灘度假村寶通灘度假村評價<\b>





prosnice and quiet atmosphere, we could walk to the beach, very close to Coral Grand Diversconsno wifi connection in the room (we had to go to the reception area every time), no twin beds


2017-02-28High price for Thai average, terrible staff and overpriced services !!![2.0]

The location is really breathtaking but i have to release the lowest overall score possibile for a simple reason: the owner, a short chubby woman is the most rude person i\\\'ve ever met in all my travelings, completely unfit to work with public and every time you ask something she screams like a Banshee. Moreover 350€ for a week in a thai islad is more than expensive (it was a suprprise for my partner after months of traveling by backpacking and cheap accomodation so it was a must). To make matters worse, this small-chubby-boss makes a really huge amount of money with this business beacause prices of bar and restourant are so expensive, but she treats all the lovely staff people as slaves !



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